
Technical and business writing

Do your policies, procedures and other key documents accurately reflect your company and your expectations of your staff? We can review and rewrite/edit any document for clarity and usability. This includes translating complex documents into plain English, and utilising information design principles to improve readability.

Proofreading for accuracy and readability

Ensure your documents, proposals, white papers, etc. are consistent and free of mistakes.

Strategic editing – tenders and proposals

Effectively showcasing your company or organisation in a document that must conform to specific criteria is a highly specialised skill.

After you’ve gathered your information and addressed the key criteria, strategic editing is the step that can turn an average presentation into a memorable one.

Clarity Point has been assisting companies with their tender writing for more than thirteen years.

Over twenty years’ experience in writing, editing and proofreading.

Other Services

Continuous quality improvement (CQI)

CQI health check, Audit consultation and preparation, Auditing (internal or external).

System/process reviews

Privacy impact assessments.

Ready to discuss your next steps?

Give us a call or email through the contact page linked below and we can discuss how Clarity Point can assist.

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